Wednesday, July 20, 2016



Espero que vocês estão super bem e tiverem uma semana da hora!! This week was super corrido with everything. We started off the week super bem and ready to work then Sister Curcino got the long awaited call that she would be doing some government stuff to finalize her visa. So Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we spent the day in São Paulo hopping from government building to government building. Friday was the big day when she had to do an interview at the American Consulate center for her visa to be approved. I was not able to go in with her so had to wait outside at the exit. As I was waiting there, there was a lot of talk that a lot of people were not being approved and I witnessed this as people walked out all sad or irritated. But when Sister Curcino came around the corner, she was all bright and happy with the biggest smile! SHE PASSED! Now she is officially going to the States on the 9th of Agosto!!!! WOOHOO! You could say we got pretty excited as we danced and sang down the street. I am so excited for her! After all this, we worked and worked with a lot of our investigators. Today I would you guys to get to know a few: 

Greyce. She has 13 years and super excited that she was introduced to the church. She comes to church with us every Sunday and always participating in the young woman activities and reading the Book of Mórmon every day. She is a stellar young woman and we love her so much. She always asks when we are going to visit her so we usually go every other day. She has the strongest desire to be baptized and the only thing stopping her is her parent's permission. We told her to talk to her dad about being baptized and all. She did the other day and said that he is supportive of her decision. So this week we are going to visit her and talk with her dad about it because he has to sign the ficha (don't know what the word is in English but it's one of those church record papers with all your information on it so that the church knows you're member and all. Like a church membership paper...não sei). We are super excited for her and cannot wait for her be become a part of Christ's church. 

Elisangela, Caio, and Luciano. They're the família that I've been talking about lately and are really enjoying church and everything. We had a noite familiar with them and a member of the bispado(Bishop) and his família. It was great! The presidente of the young men's is really helping with the boys and inviting them to all the activities. The boys are really enjoying it all because now they are not trapped inside all day but have friends to hang out with. They are an awesome family who are really enjoying coming to church with us and being part of this great and loving church family. 

Irene. She's a bit older....has about 60 years and lives with her daughter. She loves it when we visit her and enjoyed going to church with us this past Sunday. Before she lived here in Parque Bristol, she lived close to the templo and so always passed by it. She always talks about how beautiful it is and Sunday in relief society, the lesson was about templos so you could say she got a bit excited. At the end of the lesson, the presidente announced that there would be carpool to the templo this Thursday and Irene was all excited to go. After church when we were walking her home, she kept asking when we would go with her to the templo so we are going to mark a day and take her there. She has lost a lot of loved ones in her lifetime so we talked about what we do inside the temple and the plan of salvation e how she would be able to see them again and she seemed to be happier after we told her this. I imagine it must be hard for her but I am so grateful for the gospel and to know that I can live with my family para eternity through this plan and see those who have already passed away. This small fact has brought so much peace in the lives of a lot of our investigators and especially with Irene. 

Well guys I hope you all are enjoying your summer break and soaking in a lot of sun! Love you all and have an awesome week!

Love, Sister Hilchie :) 

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