Monday, February 29, 2016

7 MONTHS!!!!

Do you know what today is?! IT'S MY 7 MONTH MARK! AHHH. Literally cannot believe it.....time is passing by so super fast (well for me at least). I have learned and grown so much over these past seven months, it's pretty incredible and feeling great about my Portuguese and everything is just wonderful down here in Brasil! 
This week Sister De Lima and I worked hard and were able to meet a lot of new investigators which was super awesome! Hopefully this will lead to more baptisms this month! We'll see what happens. 
This week I've been reading in the Book of Mórmon about how the gospel transformed a group of people that were a bit more than wicked. But once they had been taught the gospel, they were willing to do anything to be forgiven of their sins and come closer to Christ. Guys, the gospel can and will transform lives. I am seeing it happen in the lives of my recent converts and other investigators we are teaching. They have a new perspective on life and are willing to give up things of this world to come closer to our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that as we read the scriptures and learn more about Cristo and His gospel, our desire to do good and give up worldly things will increase and as a result, we will become better disciples of Christ. 
Alright, so a little bit off subject but I am currently living in an apartment with 3 other sisters who are all Brasileiras and really want to practice the English they've learned over the years. So this week they decided that within the walls of our home, they would only speak English. So to help, we put sticky notes all over the walls with a billion and one words and then a huge chart with the verb "to be" and you, I she, we in all the tenses you can think of. We started off strong only speaking English but now it's about 40% English, 60% silence and Portuguese. Eventually we will get there. 
That's all for this week. Nothing else too exciting happened. I love you all so much and am so grateful for each and every one of you! Have a wonderfully exciting week! 
Love, Sister Hilchie :) 

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