I think that one of the most important things that was spoken at the conference is that we always need to remember that we are sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father with divine potential. We can overcome all of life’s challenges and problems, in Him that suffered and died for us. it is only through Him that we can become better, more and more every day. He is always there with His arms open, ready to receive us when we come unto Him. And it is the small things, the "small obedience" that will bring us closer to Him, so let us every day do the small things, everyday deeds like reading the scriptures, prayer, helping one another, a kind word to another and other opportunities that God will put in our path so that we might return to HIm. I know that Jesus Christ suffered and died for us and that he resurrected so that one day we can perfect, even as He is. God loves us and He has a plan for each one of us, trust in Him, keep His commandments and everything will be alright. deixo isso em nome de Jesus Cristo, amém.
love you guys!!!!!!!! let me know how all of you are!!!!
com amor
Elder Hilchie